Services on offer

My services at a glance

Customer satisfaction is my main goal!

360° Analysis:
Security, compliance and efficiency

I am proud to offer Audits, Consultancy and assistance in safeguarding the compliance of IT Services.

If your plan is to review your Services and Infrastructure on security and compliance with a risk-based approach, 
or if you need an experienced consultant to handle open (audit or quality) findings from internal or external auditors, I can offer a variety of standardized toolsets along with years of experiences in handling and supporting huge organizations to re-establish conformity without exaggeration.

Project Management

The success of your project will always be my main focus. 

Jointly we will evaluate the initial situation, discuss your company's objectives and potential difficulties around a potential project. All my consulting services will always focus on the particular situation and the actual needs. 

This means I am not delivering some project management or consultancy off-the-shelf but always qualified and targeted support to you.

Quality Service & Customer Relations

The Quality of Service the business delivers to customers is unfortunately very often underdeveloped, even though service quality defines customer's opinion on the image a company has: great, standard or even poor - independently of the products sold. 

With more than 30 years of experiences in Quality Service Management and the Customer Service arena I can give your business the decisive advantage over your competitors in delivering predictable, transparent and outstanding services - internally and externally.

Inventory, documentation and analysis

Francis Bacon recognized as early as the 16th century that "Knowledge is Power" (Scientia Potestas Est). As a complement I'd like to add "Not to know is not only powerless but very much incompliant".

If you do not know how components within your infrastructure are linked together or correlate to each other, which service contracts represent what, which and how many licenses are needed and access rights are applied to each user on databases, mail servers, Sharepoint, on Linux, Apple or Windows infrastructure it will not be possible to defend your company against fraud, manipulations and wrong planning based on half-truths at best.

Nowadays it is high time to "smart-up" your asset management tool or your CMDB and give you back the "finally-I-know-what's-happening-good-feeling" again.

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